David Green

CEO, Earnest



David Green is the CEO of Earnest. As someone who loves building companies and products, he originally joined Earnest in 2015 as its Head of Credit Operations and became its Chief Product Officer in 2018, where he focused on product management and design, user research, and data and analytics. Today, as CEO, he aims to make higher education accessible and affordable for the masses.

In his previous life, David co-founded Poplar Finance, which sought to eliminate the need for large security deposits in residential rentals, and was VP of Business Operations at American Mortgage Consultants.

David received his BA in economics from George Washington University and his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton.

About Earnest

Earnest was founded in 2013 on the belief that getting a loan shouldn’t be so difficult for students and graduates. We are bringing back the trust that was previously lost in financial systems. We look beyond a credit score and instead analyze a person's full education, employment, and financial profile to match people with better rates than traditional lenders.

Learn more about Earnest at www.earnest.com


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